Paws for Pride: Meet Bryant and Kian, the couple who rescued Marquis the Frenchie

Paws for Pride: Meet Bryant and Kian, the couple who rescued Marquis the Frenchie

Written by Koda, Chief Fetch Officer and Lab Manager of Koda & Co.

Translated in English by Theola Destura

Paws up for pride! A dog’s love is so unconditional and pure that it transcends everything. Whether you’re Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer--your dog will love and accept you wholly, happily, and warmly. They’ll love you no matter who you fall asleep next to at night as long as you’ll wake up the next day and take them out for a walk. They’re happy with one Fur Dad but when they get to have two they are overjoyed. To have two Fur Dads means more love and more cuddles after all!

This is the Paws & Pals story of Marquis the Frenchie and how his two Fur Dads, Bryant and Kian, rescued him! 


Paws & Pals Profile No. 1

Paw: Marquis

Breed: French Bulldog

Favorite Toy: Bryant and Kian’s comforter!
Favorite Pastime: Eating and sleeping! He loves to snack on bananas and kamote. 

Favorite Koda & Co. Treatment: Cherry Bomb Bath


Pal: Bryant

Work: Insurance Adviser for Manulife 

Pet Parent Responsibilities: Cleans Marquis’ 💩, makes sure Marquis takes his vitamins, in charge of Marquis’ bath time

Pal: Kian 

Work: Make-up Artist #MakeupByKian #PaintedByKian

Pet Parent Responsibilities: Dresses up Marquis to look as cute as he can be!

Bryant To The Rescue 

Bryant and Kian have always wanted a French Bulldog but they were hard to come by so they found love with a pug named Lily. When she crossed the rainbow bridge, they thought they could never love another dog again. But when Bryant found out that his co-worker (who breeds French Bulldogs) was going to put down a baby Frenchie just because he had an eye infection that caused him to be cross-eyed, Bryant didn’t think twice to save the baby Frenchie. 

Je m'appelle Marquis!

Since Bryant had to rescue Marquis right there and then, he didn’t have the time to consult Kian first. So when Bryant came home with a cross-eyed Frenchie, Kian was watching a thriller movie set in Paris called Perfume. It was a great surprise to Kian and when they were thinking of a name for their new Frenchie, the word “Marquis” kept coming up in the movie Perfume. It was the perfect name, it meant “nobleman’ in French. A suitable name for a handsome French Bulldog. 

Marquis’ Coming of Age

Marquis has surprised Bryant and Kian in more ways than one. But recently, his coming of age surprised and also caused a lot of panic for Bryant and Kian. One day, Bryant and Kian’s friend came over and Marquis was feeling excited. Marquis ended up humping their friend and when they pulled Marquis away they were shocked to see his red rocket. As first-time Fur Dads of a growing boy pupper, they had no idea what to do or if something was wrong with Marquis. In their panic, they tried to push Marquis’ lipstick back but that didn’t really work. Like every dog parent out of their wits, they consulted Google. They were very relieved to find out that this was completely normal and all they had to do was to wait for Marquis to calm down. 


Marquis’ favorite hangout spots

Besides hanging out and having a Cherry Bomb Bath at Koda & Co., Marquis also likes to chill at Charlie’s Cup--a roadside dog-friendly nature cafe hanging by the cliffs of Balamban. Marquis also enjoys going on hikes … but only for five minutes and then he needs to be carried the rest of the way!

Bryant and Kian have always been close since they’ve been live-in partners since day one!


But with Marquis, they’re now a happy family of three. Koda & Co. is proud to celebrate families like Bryant, Kian, and Marquis every month of the year.

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